Natural Nail and Fungal Treatment to Cure Your Infection

Many individuals are concerned about fungal toenail infections (onychomycosis). In the past, people were blamed for getting this particular ailment as they typically didn’t wear shoes and therefore picked up the fungus on their toes. Recent studies have linked more fungus resistant strains of this ailment to athletes. As a result, Melbourne podiatrists recommend that all patients with fungal nail infections wear footwear when walking around. The podiatrist will also prescribe special toe nail polish to help fight the fungus.

The Podiatrist explains why. Nail fungal infections are usually fungal, not parasitic, and often spread via fungus-infected spores traveling in the air. However, the problem is you never know who is spreading the fungi. Unfortunately there are no antibiotics you can take to treat an athlete’s foot. This fungus eats away the keratin in your feet-the material that makes your skin, socks, shoes, and your fingernails strong.

You can help prevent these infections by keeping your feet clean. You should keep your feet clean by thoroughly drying them after bathing and you should try to limit your exposure to water or swimming pools. If you do get an infection, you need to stop swimming until the medication has run out. Your podiatrist will prescribe topical or oral medications to treat the infection, but if it does not clear up on its own, you will need to see your podiatrist for stronger medication.

Sometimes podiatrists recommend topical nail treatments to help control fungal nail infections. These treatments are most effective when combined with a regular antifungal treatment. Topical treatments will help you get faster results and they are less likely to cause re-infection. Your podiatrist will decide if you need to have your nail removed if the infection is severe enough. You may also be given antibiotics to prevent the re-infection of a fungal nail treatment.

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The goal of fungal nail treatment Melbourne is to keep your skin healthy. If you wear tight-fitting shoes or socks, this may add to the problem. In many cases, you will need to buy new shoes and keep your socks and shoes off for awhile. You can also use natural products that will help to heal your skin and nails and keep fungal nails from occurring.

Remember that a fungal infection is caused by an overgrowth of certain fungi. These fungi living on your skin will cause red sores, rashes, or tender patches if not treated. Fungi are always changing and evolving, so it is possible that one day you might have an infection that causes them to change colors. Keep in mind that you should never pick at your infected nails or pop them to get rid of them because this only allows the fungi more room to grow. Your doctor will most likely recommend medicine until he or she can determine the best way to treat your fungal infection.