How Can We Know When Healthcare Will Be Free in America?

“When will healthcare ever be free in America?” that is a question I get asked quite frequently. The truth of the matter is, right now it is not free as there are many who do not have health insurance, but as I said, it will most certainly be someday. The biggest problem with healthcare is that it is basically controlled by the insurance companies. So, when there are fewer insurance companies left, the cost of healthcare goes up, because there are fewer companies to cover those costs.

One way that we can help reduce the cost of healthcare is through health savings accounts. Health savings accounts are a way for the person to deposit money into the account, so that when they go to the doctor, or emergency room, they do not have to pay the full amount of the bill out-of-pocket. This helps to keep healthcare affordable. It also helps those with pre-existing conditions, because they do not have to worry about paying for healthcare right now, until they get better. They can set aside money in the account, and when the time comes, they can use it on the doctor’s office visit, or hospital room, or anything else they need.

Another way that we can save money on healthcare and make it more affordable, is to let the government regulate the healthcare industry. Currently, the US government regulates only six healthcare industries, and those are; hospitals, doctors offices, clinics, suppliers, and insurance companies. The other industries are free to set their own prices, and compete freely with each other. That does not mean that healthcare will ever be free in America.

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A free market allows people and businesses to negotiate the prices that they charge for healthcare services. If we want to have affordable healthcare, then we are going to have competition, and if we have more competition, the prices will go down. I think that you understand the basic principles of capitalism, which is why I say that healthcare will never be free in America.

I think that free markets are good, but they sometimes have unintended consequences. One of the unintended consequences of healthcare deregulation is the fact that healthcare providers have lower overhead. Because there are fewer providers, they have lower salaries, and they have to spend less time and resources on paperwork. Because the overhead is lower, they can then offer lower prices to patients, which in turn will make it more affordable for the average person.

However, this does not mean that all is good in the world. Many believe that healthcare is a privilege, and they should not have to share that opportunity with others. Some even think that the public has no right to be concerned with their healthcare, and that they are the only ones that should be caring for themselves. All that I can tell you is that if you have a serious illness or disease, that you shouldn’t have to spend any money or put your health in danger just so you can be carefree.

Healthcare is not a right, and it certainly is not a privilege. It is a responsibility that is incumbent upon all Americans. That responsibility begins at birth and should end at death. In my opinion, we should not have an automatic right to healthcare. There should be adequate funding guaranteed to provide for the public’s health, and this should apply to everyone, rich or poor, old or young.

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I would ask all the readers to stand up and raise their hands if they agree that healthcare is a right, and that they would never want to have to share that right with anyone. Would you? Will healthcare ever be free in America?